US Government To Release Footage, Pictures & Documented Evidence of UFOs

For those who are very much into ETs and UFOs, the following article is most informative and interesting. For Many, the issue is not do UFOs exist, but are they really extraterrestrial in origin or secret government projects? Breaking: US Government To Release Official Video Footage, Pictures & Documented Evidence of UFOs ( Arjun Walia ) Over the past few years, multiple governments and government agencies have officially released their ‘UFO’ files. What does this show us? Apart from revealing there are objects in our atmosphere travelling at speeds and performing maneuvers that no known conventional aircraft can perform, it shows us that such agencies have been interested in and have been tracking these craft for years, devoting vast resources to their study. If these released files make anything clear, it’s that there has been a long history of military and civilian encounters with UFOs and strange objects. Related FBI Documents Prov...