A fun read on proven changes of genetic expression resulting from space travel

Wild theories always abound regarding several issues. Sometimes they turn out to contain an element of truth. Studies have shown that space travel does indeed cause genetic mutation. NASA “Twins Study” Shows How Spaceflight Changes Gene Expression is a sober analysis of this phenomenon. The article below starts out as pure speculative fun but does eventually become factual and informative. Enjoy the read. NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly Replaced With An Alien Clone While In Space? The evidence speaks for itself! I'm not wildly speculating, i'm asking if he's not genetically the same as his twin then WHAT IS HE? in scifi shows he'd be poked and prodded in a clean bubble with scientists asking who sent you? I am asking, if it's 7 percent changed (don't forget Chimpanzees have what 96% of our DNA but they're a whole different species THEN WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MAKE SCOTT KELLY? Is he going to be considered a new species? Is he TECHNICALLY a new specie...