Prominent psychiatrist warns that Demonic possession is real

The following post deals with a subject that the reader will either firmly believe in or dismiss as pure rubbish and/or hysteria. Humanity's history is not squeaky clean. Is pure evil truly on the rise, or do we simply hear bout it more due to increased communication via the internet. Readers must judge for themselves whether or not Satan is truly walking the Earth.. The article contains source links, and at the there is a related link. DEMONS really are possessing people, warns psychiatrist, as pure evil sweeps over humanity Posted on June 12, 2018 by Ethan Huff ( Natural News ) An Ivy League-educated psychiatrist is convinced that there’s a growing epidemic of demonic possession in the world today, and that most everyday people now recognize the dark reality of this scary situation. Dr. Richard Gallagher, who boasts degrees from both Princeton University and Yale University , says that, despite conflicting opinions within mainstre...